Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Payment proof

Some of my old payment proofs. I will request another payout soon. I'll post it here when I got it.

06:03 Payment Received 826xxxxx Gold +0.000764 306xxxx 0.50 USD 654.80
From: dadaas
Memo: Cashtalk pays you (peas)

08:32 Payment Received 830xxxxx Gold +0.000752 306xxxx 0.50 USD 665.00
From: dadaas
Memo: cashtalk pays you (peas)

10:03 Payment Received 845xxxxx Gold +0.005299 306xxxx 3.50 USD 660.50
From: dadaas
Memo: airplane take off (cashtalk)


Anonymous said...

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onlineincome said...

Thanks for the comment cresceNet. I have check your blog but I don't understand the language. Is there any translation?

By the way, CashTalk portal was offline these few days. I have no idea what is happening with the forum. Hope it will come back again.

onlineincome said...

Sorry for late update. CT is up just the next few days. It's a scheduled maintenance. You guys also can earn from contest in the forum.